=========================================================================== Title : Total Conversion for Doom II in a Dehacked patch Date Finished : 2/20/97 Author : "CrazyTrain" Email Address : elanna@indirect.com Other Files By Author : none Misc. Author Info : spent many hours with Doom II and Dehacked 3.0a Description : The story goes... Years after you've defeated the horrid armies of hell, strange things are happening throughout the solar system. People are disapearing... totally at random. There seems to be no connection among these disappearances. Not only people are disappearing, but Marines are being pulled from this world with no explanation. After two months the total number of people that have disappeared has reached 15 million. Along with that, one division of marines, very large numbers of cadets still in boot camp, and several marine recon units operating in various places. No investigation has turned up anything to explain the disappearances. Then, on a day no one would expect anything. Two lunar colonies and one orbital space station are destroyed by an unknown force. Two hours later Earth High Command receives a message "We, are the servants of hell... We hold your entire civilization hostage. Send to us, the one who destroyed our master or we will take you all and suck out your souls one by one..." Two hours after the message was received, you were pulled out of retirement and being equipped to do battle with the armies of hell once again... This is a total conversion for Doom II in a Dehacked patch. You have new weapons, new health and new monsters. Each monster is either completely different or has multiple new abilities. Lets meet our new monsters and weapons now. Weapons Fist: Not your ordinary fist anymore. You punch so fast you could knock out Tyson in one round! Chainsaw: Newer, stronger motor. This one will rip through bad guys much faster. Plus, like the fist you can now take advantage of the Berserk powerup when using this chainsaw. Pistol: Same bullets. Much faster pistol. Crowd Pleaser: Seven slugs of showstopping excitement pumped out faster than ever before. BOOM-STICK: Makes and big bad guy undergo a big bad boom! Vulcan Cannon: Clocks in at Two Thousand rounds a minute! Plus this one will always fire it's bullets precisely were you want them to go. Phaser Rifle Setting 16: Fires phaser blasts equivalent to three of the old rockets. Discharges in bursts of five. Phaser Rifle Setting 8: Shoots phaser blasts as powerful as regular rockets 2 times faster than the old plasma rifle. BFG 18000: Over three times more powerful than the old BFG, uses half the ammo, and fires twice as fast. Powerups Very little new here Medkit: Looks like a soulsphere, gives you 35% health and does not stop working at 100% Gigasphere: Gives you variable amounts of health (depending on which skill level of patch you play) Note: The health a Gigasphere gives you is not neccessarily your maximum health. Medkits can still increase it. Also in the AYOFM patch blue armor gives 2500% armor. Monsters I'm not going to reveal each monster's specific ability, but I will make hints at what they are. If you want to find them all, I suggest you put on god mode and let each monster attack you far away, up close, and then shoot it once or twice yourself to discover all their abilities. Chaingun Sargeant: He's pretty much the same, though he packs more armor. Cadet Marine (Green): Move like cadets, aim like cadets, but they don't bite like cadets. Sgt. Major Marine (Brown): A real soildier. Also has an extreme love for one kind of weapon. Colonel Marine (Grey): Goes from 0-60 in half-a-second. EXTREMELY DANGEROUS! Soul Hunter (Red): Sold his soul for awesome power. SS Nazi: Equiped with more modern weapons. Only found in level 31 and 32. Super SS Nazi: Don't shoot him or he'll get really MAD! You can find him anywhere. Revenant: Does everything he always did, only this time he's really gone off the deep end. Cacodemon: The Killer Tomatoes have developed a very plasmonic taste in weapons. Spectre Cacodemon: 4 Times the Killer Tomato his little brother is. Demon: If they weren't demons they'd make great Olympic sprinters or great pyrotechnicians. Spectre Demon: Like his buddy, but Invisible. Land Mine: Tough to see, easy to detonate. Double-Fat Mancubus: His name says a lot for his weight, but very little for his firepower. Vengance Arachnotron: His ultimate goal in life is to kill you. Guardian of Hell: An all around nightmare. If you don't kill him he'll kill you. Super Cyberdemon: He rules the pack. High firepower. You can expect to be dead in a few seconds. Super Spiderdemon: Avoid his Vulcan, and don't make him mad! Master Soul Hunter (Red): The best of the best, you'll have to be good to beat this guy. Watch out for monsters that disguise themselves as inanimate objects! Files included with this patch: Youwuss.deh - the easiest version of my patch, many of the nastier monsters are removed Tough.deh - harder than the other one, all monsters are included Crazy.deh - like the name says this one is crazy AYOFM.deh - AYOFM literally stands for, ARE YOU OUT OF YOUR F**KING MIND! AYOFM.txt - you are reading it simple5.deh-simple8.deh - several dhe patches geared for deathmatch. The name simple denotes that they were developed in level seven New4.deh - a patch file with very interesting weapons Additional Credits to : ID Software (none of this could happen without Doom II) Greg Lewis (for Dehacked) my friends (for ideas and playtesting) =========================================================================== * Type of DOOM or DOOM II file* New level WAD : No Sound PWAD Only : No Music PWAD Only : No Graphic Addon Only : No Dehack Patch Only : Dehacked 3.0a .LMP Only : No Other : No Required To Have In Dir : Dehacked 3.0a * Play Information * Map # : All of Doom II Episode and Level # : N/A Single Player : Yes Cooperative 2-4 Player : Yes (Annoying sometimes because enemies look like players) Deathmatch 2-4 Player : Yes Difficulty Settings : Yes (Can be done by loading the different versions, or by using the : regular settings. Don't use on nightmare skill though, especially with : the AYOFM patch, the -fast setting slows the monsters down) New Sounds : No New Music : No New Graphics : No Demos Replaced : None * Construction * Base : New Dehacked patch from scratch, not to mention learning a lot about dehacked. Build Time : I quit counting a long time ago. Editor(s) used : Dehacked 3.0a Known Bugs : None, except that the number of sprites in view can sometimes exceed the limit of 64 May Not Run With... : Does not work with Doom II v1.666, will work with 1.7 and up * Copyright / Permissions * Authors MAY use this level as a base to build additional levels. I encourage you to make new levels with it. You MAY distribute this WAD, provided you include this file, with no modifications. You may distribute this file in any electronic format (BBS, Diskette, CD, etc) as long as you include this file intact. * Where to get this WAD * FTP sites: ftp.cdrom.com BBS numbers: Other: